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高中英語Unit 1《世界各地的節(jié)日 Festivals around the world (Part 3)》(必修3)

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《Festivals around the world (Part 3)》
Language points
1.But she didn't turn up.
I'm very happy you turned up so early.
2)把(收音機等)音量開大一些,其反義短語是turn down.
Turn up the radio a little,I can scarcely hear the program.
turn down    拒絕
turn off   關(guān)掉
turn on   打開
turn out 結(jié)果是...
turn to sb. for help   向某人求助
turn over 翻轉(zhuǎn),翻動
考點銜接:(2008 全國Ⅱ,9)
---What are you reading,Tom?
---I'm not really reading,just(C)the pages.
A turning off     B turning around      C  turning over     D turning up
2.She could be with her friends right now laughing at him.
[點撥]此句中l(wèi)aughing at him 是動詞-ing 短語作伴隨狀語。強調(diào)與謂語動詞的動作同時發(fā)生,
They stood there for an hour,watching the woman weaving the colth.
Don't just stand there doing nothing.不要站在那兒無所事事。
1)(D)for the train,I had a long talk with my sister about the famous poet.
A Waited    B Being waiting      C Having waited    D Waiting
2)I stood for a moment,not (B),and asked myself what would take place next.
A moved   B moving   C to move  D being moved
3.She said she would be there at seven o'clock,and he thought she would keep her
keep one's word 意為“守信用”,其反義詞是break one's word,即“失信”。
He is a man who always keeps his word.
Don't break your word,otherwise,no one will trust you.
注意:Keep one's word和break one's word 中的名詞word 不能用復數(shù)形式。
in a word/in short/to be short簡言之;總之
have a word with sb.與某人談話
have words with sb.與某人發(fā)生口角
in other words 換句話說
A gentleman should always (B )his( ).
A keeps;word    B keep,word    C keeps words    D keep ,words
4.Well,he was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize.
1)hold one's breath 屏息
Hold your breath and count to ten.
lose one's breath 喘不過氣
out of  breath上氣不接下氣
short of  breath  呼吸困難
take a deep  breath= breathe deply 深呼吸
(A),and you'll feel less nervous.
A Take a deep breath    B Out of  breath    C Lose your  breath    D Short of  breath
2)apologise (AmE apologize )vi道歉
You should apologise to her for stepping on her foot.
apologise to sb.=make/offer an apology yp sb.
Tom (C) to the teacher for his rude words.
A led   B turned   C apologised   D contributed
5.He would drown his sadness in office.
drown:1)vi 淹死,溺水
The sheep drowned after failling into the river.
All the streets were drowned by the floods.
3)drown oneself in/sb. be drowned in 埋頭于,沉溺于
He srowned himself in work.
He is (D)in the deep sleep.
A Drowning   B drown    C Being drowned    D drowned
解析:D。句意;埋頭大睡。A 項改為drowning himself 則正確   ;C項的形式不能做前置定語
,只能至于被修飾詞后,故D 項正確。
4.It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for LiFang to
abvious  adj.明顯的,清楚的
Her disappointment was obvious to her friend.
It wads obvious that she was in danger.
It is obvious that you are wrong.
2)apparent 指具有某些明顯的跡象的,側(cè)重與經(jīng)歷推理才能看出結(jié)果。
It was apparent from his face that he was lying.
3)clear 作“明白的,清楚的”講。指不模糊含混,易于觀察,了解和識別。
He seems clear about hia plans.
[考點]obvious  adj.明顯的;顯而易見的。
常用句型:It is obvious that...
obviously  adv.明顯地,顯然
[考例]Most people on this island are recreational fishers,and (C),fishing forms an
actual part of their leisure time.(上海2004)
A accidentally    B purposefully   C obviously   D formally
5.When the Goddess of Heaven knew that her granddaughter was married to a
marry 的用法:
1)她嫁給了一個律師。She married a  lawyer.
表示“和...結(jié)婚”,“嫁....”“娶....”時,marry 為及物動詞,要用marry sb.而不用marry
with sb.
2)她和一位律師結(jié)婚了。She was married to a lawyer.
They have been married for three years.
They got married three years ago.
It's three years since they got married.
注意:marry 和get married 都表示短暫行為,不能和表示一段時間的短語連而have been
married 則表示婚姻狀態(tài),可以與表示婚姻狀態(tài)持續(xù)多久的時間狀連用。
7.As Li Fang set off for home ,he thought...
set off:動身,出發(fā);使{地雷、炸彈)爆炸;事某物更有吸引力;引起
Tom and his father set off for American yesterday.
The bomb set off among the crowd.
A woman's beauty is set off by her clothes and jewellery.
set about doing sth.著手(做某事)
set in 開始
set up 建立,創(chuàng)立
set down 寫下,記下
set out to do sth. 著手做某事
His rudeness (D)our anger.
A set out    B set off   C put off   D put up
解析:B 句意:他的無禮引起了我們的憤怒,set off 有引發(fā),引起的意思。
8.I don't want them to remind me of her.
remind v.
remind sb. of sth.
remind sb.to do sth.
remind sb. that
[考例]In our childhood,we were often (D)by Grandma to pay attention to our table
A demanded    B reminded    C allowed   D hoped
點撥:考查sb. be reminded to do sth.意為“某人被提醒做某事”。demand 命令;allow 允許
;hope 希望,三者與句意不符






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