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高中英語Unit 1《世界各地的節(jié)日 Festivals around the world (Part 2)》(必修3)

點(diǎn)贊 收藏 評(píng)價(jià) 測(cè)速


《Festivals around the world (Part 2)》
1.They offer food,flowers and gift...
offer 主動(dòng)提供。offer sth to sb;offer sb sth.
provide 供給(所需物,尤指生活必需品)。
provide sth(for sb.);provide sb. with sth.
supply sth to sb;supply sb with sth
When I meet diffculty,my roommates will (offer)me help.
They (offered) a reward for the return of the lost jewels.
The government need to (provide)these old people with food and colthes.
Electricity should be (supplied) enough every month.
2.It is now a children's festival,when they can dress up and go to their neighbours'
homes to ask for sweets.
dress 作及物動(dòng)詞時(shí),不接clothes  之類的表示衣服的名詞,而是接表示人的名詞或代詞,意思
如Wake upchildren and dress them.喚醒孩子,給他們穿上衣服。
dress 的過去分詞常用來構(gòu)成get dressed 與be dressed 短語,前者表示動(dòng)態(tài),后者表示靜態(tài),
Harry up and get dressed.快點(diǎn)穿上衣服。
The girl was dressed in red.這個(gè)女孩穿著一身紅衣服。
dress up 是“穿上最好的衣服”,常指“打扮,化妝”,如:
You should dress up when you take part in the party.
She is (D) in red today and looks very beautiful.
A wearing    B having on   C dressing  D dressed
3.The leader who helped gain India's independence from Britain.
1)independence n.獨(dú)立
gain/achieve/get independence 贏得獨(dú)立
independent adj.獨(dú)立的   dependent adj.依賴的
He is very independent.
拓展:depend on/upon 決定于,依靠,依賴
It dependens 視情況而定
-How often do you eat out?
-(D ),but usually once a week.
A Have no idea      B It depends     C As ususl     D Generally speaking
2)gain  ①獲得,贏得,得到好處
gain wealth/independence/experience/much knowledge
My watch gains two minutes every day.
No pains,no gains
A penny saved is a penny (A).
A gained   B make   C earning   D making
解析:A 句意(諺語)省一文是一文。根據(jù)前面saved可知后面也用過去分詞。
4.Harvest and Thankgiving festivals can be very happy events.
can 的主要用法用:1)表示能力。2)表示可能性。多用于否定與疑問句中,但可用在肯定句中
。can 用在肯定句中有時(shí)表示一時(shí)的情況(“有時(shí)候會(huì)”)。3)表示請(qǐng)求和許可。
[考例1]The biggest problem for most plants,which (B) just get up and run away when
threatened,is that animals like to eat them.(湖南2007)
A shsn't   B can't   C needn't  D mustn't
[點(diǎn)撥]用can't 表示沒有某種能力,意為“不能”。
[考例2]There's no light on---they (A) be at home.(2006全國卷1)
A can't     B mustn't    C needn't   D shouldn't
[點(diǎn)撥]can 用于對(duì)現(xiàn)在的推測(cè),常用語否定句或疑問句中。can't 表示“不可能”。
[考例3]Some aspects of a pilot's job (A )be boring,and pilots often ( )work at
inconvenient hours.(湖南2006)
A can,have to    B may,can    C have to,may   D ought to;must
[考例4]-Do you know where Daid is?I couldn't find him anywhere.
-Well.He (A)have gone far-his cast's still here.(湖北2005)
A should't      B mustn't     C can't   D wouldn't
[點(diǎn)撥]can't have done 表示對(duì)過去情況的推測(cè),意為“不可能已經(jīng)...”。
5.Some people might win award for their farm produce.
award n.獎(jiǎng)品,獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng),獎(jiǎng)金,助學(xué)金......
She showed us the awards she had won.
Mary got an award and was able to finish her study.
award sb sth=award sth to sb
The judges awarded both teams equal points.
award 后接雙賓語
award sb. a metal 授予某人獎(jiǎng)?wù)?br> reward 獎(jiǎng)賞,給...報(bào)酬,不能接雙賓語:
reward sb. for sth.因...獎(jiǎng)賞某人
reward sb.with sth.用某物酬勞某人
She rewarded herself with a cup pf coffee after a whole morning's hard work.
6.When people admire the moon...
admire v.意為“贊賞;欽佩;羨慕;贊美;夸獎(jiǎng)”表示“在某方面欽佩某人”用admire sb. for
We all admire him for his courage and bravery.我們都?xì)J佩他的勇氣和膽識(shí)。
7....that look forward to the end of winter...
look forward to
look forward to (doing) sth.意為期待著(做)某事。
Boys and girls are looking forward to Spring Festival.
He's looking forward to hearing from his pen pal.他期待著筆友來信。
拓展:look on 旁觀  
look out 小心
look around 四下環(huán)顧
look back upon 回顧
look up to尊敬
look down upon 小看
8.These carnivals might include parades,dancing in the street day and night,loud
music and colorful clothing of all kinds.狂歡節(jié)期間,人們伸著各色各樣的艷麗的節(jié)日盛裝,伴著喧鬧的音樂,在街頭游行,晝夜跳舞。
clothing 衣服(總稱),不可數(shù)名詞
a piece of /an item of clothing 一件衣服
This shop sells children's colthing.
辨析:clothing clothes cloth
clothing 不可數(shù)名詞,衣服的總稱。做主語時(shí),謂語動(dòng)詞用單數(shù)
clothes 統(tǒng)指身上的衣服,不與具體數(shù)字連用,但可以與several,some,many 等連用。作主語,
The clothes she wears are made by herself.
cloth “布”,不可數(shù)名詞;但當(dāng)它指“特殊用途的布”時(shí),為可數(shù)名詞,復(fù)數(shù)為colths
The waiter dried the glass with a dirty (D).
A clothes     B clothing    C dressing   D cloth
9.The country,covered with cherry tree flowers,looks as through it is covered with
pink snow.
as though
as though 和as if沒有什么區(qū)別。as if用的普通些,可引導(dǎo)方式狀語從句和表語從句,其從句
She acted as though nothing had happened.她裝的好像什么事也沒發(fā)生過似的。
當(dāng)從句主語和主句主語一致,從句謂語中又含有動(dòng)詞to be 時(shí),可以把主語和to be 一起省去。
He looked about as though(he was)in search of something.
It looks as if it's going to rain.看樣子天要下雨了。
as though 和as if 從句用虛擬語氣,還是用陳述語氣。完全根據(jù)具體情況而定。如果從句表示
The child talks as if she were an adult. 那孩子說話的樣子好像她是個(gè)大人。
11.have fun with
have fun 意為“過得快樂”同義詞組為have a good time,enjoy oneself.短語有have fun
(in)doing sth.
We have a lot of fun in learning English.
12.Festivals let us enjoy life,be proud of our customs...
custom 風(fēng)俗,習(xí)慣,有時(shí)可以指?jìng)€(gè)人的習(xí)慣
habit 個(gè)人的習(xí)慣,習(xí)性
form a habit of smoking 形成吸煙的習(xí)慣
practise 慣例,做法
It's our practice not to make telephone calls after 11 pm.
customs 海關(guān) customer 顧客
It is the(A)for the Japanese to take off their shoes when they get into a hall.
A custom    B habit   C customer   D customs





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