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高中英語(yǔ)Unit 5《音樂(lè) Music (Part 3)》(必修2)

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《Music (Part 3)》


1.The boy who/that is sitting there is a good singer.
2.The skirt which/that Mary bought is old.
3.Is this the novel that/which you introduced to me?
4.Where is the boy who/that broke the window?

1.The boy whose father works here is crying.
2.I like the rooms whose windows face south.
3.There we saw some trees,the leaves of which were black with disease.
whose=the+n+of which或of which the+n

例如:This is the town where(=in which) I spent my childhood.
The table where(=at which) she is sitting is a new one.
I visited the house where(=in which) Lu Xun once lived.

I'll never forget the day when(=on which) I was born.
This was the time when(=at which) he left for Beijing.
We will put off the meeting until next week,when we won't be busy.

The reason (which/that) she gave was not true.
The reason why(for which) I was late makes sense.


1.the way用做先行詞
①The way that/in which/不填 he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand.
②The way that/which/不填 he explained to us was quite simple.

①I am reading Harry Porter,which is an interesting book.
②He failed in the exam,This made his parents angry.
③He failed in the exam,which made his parents angry.
④He has two sons.Both of them are teachers.
⑤He has two sons,both of whom are teachers.


1.It is such a big stone as nobody can lift.
2.It is such a big stone that nobody can lift.
3.As is known to all,he is the best student.
4.Jim passed the driving test,which surprised everybody in the office.
歸納:as引導(dǎo)限制性定語(yǔ)從句先行詞前常被such,the same,so,as修飾,即構(gòu)成such…as,the same…as,so…as,結(jié)構(gòu),做題時(shí)容易忽略。as在定語(yǔ)從句中應(yīng)充當(dāng)成分。如:主語(yǔ)、賓語(yǔ)或表語(yǔ)。










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[四川省成都市] 講的很清晰!老師也很有親和力!加油!


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