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高中英語Unit 2《奧運會 The Olympic Games (Part 1)》(必修2)

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《The Olympic Games (Part 1)》


solidification      團結(jié)
equity              平等
open                坦誠
friendship          友誼


1).What are they mainly talking about?
The similarities and differences about the ancient Olympics and modern Olympics.

2).How often do you hold modern Olympics?
Every four years.

3).How can the runner enjoy competing in winter?
There are competitions like skiing and instead of running reaces in the Winter Olympics.

4).Do all the athletes come from the Greek world?
No,athletes are from all over the world and woman athletic are also included.

5).Does anyone want to host the Olympic Games?
Yes,it's a great responsibility but also a great honor to be chosen.

6).What do you compete for?
We compete for the motto of the Olympics.And that is Swifter,Highter,Stronger!

7).What amazes Pausanias about the Olympic Games?
Pausanias is amazed that many countries take part in the Olympic Games and woman too and there are two sets of Games-the Winter and the Summer Olympics.

8).Why does he think Athens and Beijing should feel pround?
Because Li Yan has explained that it is a great honour to host the Olympic Games.

9).Why does he think people may be competing for money in the modern Olympic Games?
He thinks that so many things have changed in the Olympic Games that he fears that the spirit of the Olympics may have changed too.

10).What makes Pausanias happy about the modern Olympic Games?
The modern Olympic Games have more events.Every country wants to host it.It shows that the Games are popular with the whole world.It is just a competition not for money.


(1)Only athletes {who have reached the agreed stand for their event} will be admintted as competitors.
reach:達到,實現(xiàn)---a conclusion/decision/agreement Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year、reaching a record of $57 a barrel.

(2)Our Greek cities used to compete against each other for the honor of winning.
Ⅰ.used to do sth;表示過去經(jīng)常做某事(to 是不定式符號)
      He used to smoke.
   be used to doing sth:表示習(xí)慣于做某事(to 是介詞)
      We are used to getting up early.
Ⅱ.compete with/against 與......競爭
   compete for 為......而競爭
competitor [n]比賽者;competition [n]比賽 competitive [adj]


1.I must admit to being ashamed for what has happened.
  vt.承認,后加(to)doing sth、名詞、代詞或從句
2.I am sure that he will be admitted to University this summer.
3.You won't be admitted to the theatre after the play has started.
4.The theatre admits 1,000 people. 
5.The law admits of no exceptions.
admit of 容許;有......余地,只用“事”或“物”作主語

Differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games:
│Ancient Olympic Games   │   Modern Olympic Games     │
│1.only free citizens of │ 1.competitors from many    │
│one country could take  │ countries                  │
│part                    │                            │
│2.slaves and women could│ 2.all adults can take part │
│not take part           │ if they reach the required │
│                        │ standard for their event   │
│3.Always in the same    │ 3.Hosted by different      │
│place                   │ countries                  │
│4.Only once every four  │ 4.Summer and Winter Games; │
│ years                  │ Special and Paralympics    │









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