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高中英語Unit 4《地震 Earthquakes (Part 3)》(必修1)

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《Earthquakes (Part 3)》
at the end of 在...盡頭或最后
in the end 最后,終于(不與of 連用)
by the end of 到......為止,不遲于
by the end of last...用過去完成時
by the end of next...用將來完成時
There is a pretty bird singing(at the end of)the tree.
How many English words had you learned (by the end of )last term.
My mum will return home (at the end of )this year.
He will be a scientist(in the end).
I will have learned more than 3,000 English words(by the end of)next term.
put an end to 使.....終止
bring ...to an end 使......終止
come to an end 結(jié)束(不及物動詞短語)
end up with 以...告終(強調(diào)方式)
end up in z最終......(強調(diào)結(jié)果)
The meeting came to an end (at midnight).The sports meeting was(B),with 100 students dancing together on the playground.
A in the end     B at an end     C at the end    D by the end
7.In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.
ruin vt.毀壞,毀滅,使破壞
The storm ruined the crops.
I was ruined by that(law case).
the ruins of ancient Rome古羅馬遺跡
戰(zhàn)爭給這個國家?guī)砹藲?br> The war brought ruin to the country.
The church has fallen into ruin.
This new meant the ruin of all our hopes.
in ruins 荒蕪的,成為廢墟(一般用作表語)
我們的計劃泡湯了  Our plan is in ruins.
An earthquake left the whole town in ruins.(賓補)
I got caught in the rain and my suit(C).
A has ruined   B had ruined (07北京)  C.has been ruined   D had been ruined
The houses across the street are(A),but they were in good condition a few years ago.
A in ruins    B in repairs    C in rows    D in numbers
8.The suffering of the people ws extreme.
suffering n.[U](身體/精神上的)痛苦,苦惱,苦難(PL)苦難的經(jīng)歷,令人痛苦的事
戰(zhàn)爭給人民帶來的痛苦不是金錢可以補償?shù)摹?br> (The suffering of the people)(caused by the war) cannot be paid back for by money.
She bore her sufferings bravely.
extreme adj.極度的
extreme pains 極大的疼痛
extreme sports 極限運動
The old bridge is in extreme danger.
extremely adv.及其,非常
This exam is extremely important to you.
This (A) pain in his headache caused ( ),which almost made him mad.
A extreme suffering      B large suffer    C nervous suffering   D hard suffered  
9.Two-thirds of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.
injure  vt.損害,受傷
injured  adj. 受傷的,受委屈的
injury  n.[U]損害,傷害[C]受傷處
She was (injured) badly in an accident.
Among the dead and (injured),there were six children.
He spoke in an (injured) voice.
I got light(injury)in the accident.
He suffered serious (injuries) to the arms and legs.
hurt 一般用語,常指心靈的傷害,也可指身體的受傷或疼痛
wound 指戰(zhàn)場上的刀傷或槍傷
injure  一般指由于意外或事故而受傷,也可以表示“損害名譽,傷害感情等”
His words (hurt) her feelings.
It (hurts) the eyes to read in the sun.
More than 200 people were (injured) in the car accident.
The soldiers were (wounded) in the battle.
10.Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.
everywhere(=wherever,no matter where)
Everywhere he goes,his dog follows him.
everywhere pron.到處,處處
到處是深谷。Everywhere are deep valleys.
destroy 毀滅,摧毀,毀壞,破壞(表示在肉體上、精神上或道義上徹底摧毀,使之無法復(fù)原,也可以表示對某物體進行完全的毀壞)
ruin  敗壞,毀壞,崩潰的狀態(tài)(指對物體或生命徹底的破壞,但往往是非暴力的,也往往不是一次的打擊結(jié)果,常指對美好的或希望中的事物的破壞)
damage 損害,損毀(使失去價值)(一般指對物體或生命的局部損壞)
With more and more old temple being (B),some historical carved stone inscriptions have been lost.
A hurt  B destroyed   C cut  D injured
-What happened to the priceless works of art?
A They were destroyed in the earthquake
B The earthquake was destroying them
C They destroyed in the earthquake
D The earthquake destroyed them






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高中英語Unit 4《地震 Earthquakes (Part 4)》(必修1)


高中英語Unit 4《地震 Earthquakes (Part 3)》(必修1)

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